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喜剧香港老电影 2024-04-30 14:40:15


发布时间: 2024-04-17 16:33:04

① 适合做婚礼视频的歌曲



(2)《Memory For You》——Rumble Fish



(5)《Sweet Dream》——张娜拉


(7)《Smile Boy》——李胜基


微电影《简单爱-婚前微电影 》背景音乐的那首英文歌曲什么名字

<fairy tale >歌手 toni braxton

③ 閫傚悎濠氱ぜ瑙嗛戠殑姝屾洸鎴栭煶涔

寮犳澃鐨勩婄涓澶浜恒 銆婁綘鏄鎴戠殑鐪笺
鑼冪幃鐞鐨勩婃渶閲嶈佺殑鍐冲畾銆 杩欎簺姝屾洸浣犲彲浠ユ斁杩涘幓璇曡瘯鐪嬶紝
鑷充笂鍔卞悎鐨勩婃夎姳绯栥 涓嶈蛋涓鑸璺绾裤傘
銆妔tick with you 銆
銆妔tand by your side 銆
銆奍 wanna go 銆

④ 适合做婚礼MV背景音乐的歌曲有什么


新人入场:1 克拉克《小号即兴曲》戴安娜王妃世纪婚礼的入场音乐

亨德尔《皇家焰火》序曲 门德尔松也有一首《婚礼进行曲》,出自歌剧《仲夏夜之梦》,我个人感觉远不如上面两首。


⑤ 求陈赫婚礼微电影中第02:30分之后的英文歌曲名字!!!!

[ti:Summer Kisses, Winter Tears (From "Flaming Star") ]

Summer Kisses Winter Tears (From "Flaming Star") - Elvis Presley

Summer kisses winter tears

That was what she gave to me

Never thought that I'd travel all alone

The trail of memories

Happy hours lonely years

But I guess I can't complain

For I still recall the summer sun
Through all the winter rain

The fire of love the fire of love

Can burn from afar

And nothing can light the dark of the night

Like a falling star

Summer kisses winter tears

Like the stars they fade away

Leaving me to spend my lonely nights

With dreams of yesterday

The fire of love the fire of love
Can burn from afar

And nothing can light the dark of the night
Like a falling star

Summer kisses winter tears

Like the stars they fade away

Leaving me to spend my lonely nights

With dreams of yesterday

Leaving me to spend my lonely nights
With dreams of yesterday

Summer kisses winter tears